A 5x Board Certified Life + Success + Mindset Coach: EFT Practitioner, Time Techniques Practitioner, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, and Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner. Helping people expand in all things MINDSET, MONEY MOVES + INNER WELLNESS. I teach you how to reprogram negative patterns (thoughts & self-talk) in order to achieve goals. I’m passionate in teaching journal lovers the secrets to manifesting your goals with the power of pen to paper.

Fun Facts: Born and raised in Southern California. Coffee is my true love. A Libra baby. A mani gen in Human Design. Any place with books is a great time. I have spent the last 2 years traveling back and forth from Upstate NY to LA on the journey of spiritual and professional growth. I am a proud Latina growing a name in the coaching and wellness space. If there’s music, i’m dancing. I’m a morning and a night person….with coffee of course. Meditation and inner wellness obsessed infused with manifestation principles (incase you couldn’t tell) aka your mindset BFF.

Hi, i’m Amy ….

but wait, there’s more..

As a coach, my values revolve around empowering others towards the freedom to love life. I believe that each individual has inherent potential and deserves the opportunity to discover and cultivate it.
